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I ran this last night for our regular online Friday night D&D group.  Only 3 players but it was manageable at that size.  They had a blast!  They loved the continually mounting tension, and panicked, "run for it!" ending.  The VTT assets made the game easy to set up on Roll20 and there were several compliments regarding how clean and apropos they were.  I'm looking forward to another run through tonight with a different, in person group and again in two weeks at a gaming convention.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the review, Im just one broke bouncer trying to make games for awesome players like you! BTW I HIGHLY recommend haha playing this at conventions Ive run it (im not kidding btw) probably 40 times over the last 2 years. Each time im stunned with the outcome.
cheers brother!


Heya! Ran the first half tonight and loving it. Excellent story, with lots of great nuance and angles. Noticed on p. 21 there appear to be some misprints on the Anathema Freak Attacks table. Fist strike is doubled, and I believe should actually be labeled Eye Gouge, and vice versa. Great cinematic so far, my first since Hope's Last Day. 


My players love to RP so we took our time. They all ended up staying and having dinner with Father Sutter, and I wanted them to find some more stuff before kicking off the action, so I had Davis (who i'm running as an NPC) ask to speak to Sutter alone and give them all orders to find out more about what's going on. One group talked to Shelby, got the office key, and went into the basement, while another individual had to ask Holman for a tour in order to distract him from seeing them talking to Shelby, so she found out about the mountain bunker. Ended the sesh with them coming back up from the basement to hear Sutter yelling at Davis, "We tried to do this peacefully, but now you've done it! Desecrated the privacy and sanctity of this place." Gunshot. Seeya next week!

Super fun. Thanks!

Yeah its a bit of errata on the table Ive been meaning to get back to, when the revised version of the game drops Im going to pop back in and make some updates.



hey! Trespass is really wonderful (and visually stunning) but when I print it out, oy, is it small. 

Do you have a version that prints “per page”, rather than 2 pages on one page?

So the adventure is released as full page spreads each page is 8.5x11 essentially doubled, Im going to have to re-upload with actual pages

Im working on a massive update with error, fixes and editing Ill most likely break the spreads apart when I do this, Ive just been behind for the holiday season. Check back soon I'll have some updates

Thank you for the reply - onscreen the format is fine but I was hoping to run this live at some point and I like to have a physical copy of whatever I'm running alongside the various notes, post-its, and other detritus that I take to run the game, and this printed out just too small to be useful as a spread.

Just one guy's opinion, was just curious if you had them in another format. 

And I have to say again, this looks BEAUTIFUL

I had some free time on my hands today Xero and changed the format from spread to pages you should have no trouble printing. JUST an FYI though the character sheets are still in 8.5x14 legal size due to how much information is on the sheets feel free to copy/ transcribe if you don't wish to shrink them down.

Cheers homie and happy hunting! leave me some feedback from your players!